
Wildflower Perennial Mix

Brighten your landscape with a burst of brilliant flowers that will return year after year. We make it easy with this all-in-one formula that contains natural wildflower seed, mulch, plant food, and soil conditioners. Our Perennial Mix is a carefully selected blend of a dozen popular perennial wildflowers, including Siberian wallflower, lance leaved coreopsis, sweet William, columbine, purple coneflower, and black-eyed Susan.

Wildflower Perennial Mix

2 lbs – 200 Sq. Ft. Cover

Product Details

Featured Technology

Water Right Crystals

The Right Amount of Water at the Right Time

When it comes to growing plants, the right amount of moisture makes all the difference. Our patented Water Right Crystals™ provide an ideal guide for when and how much to water. Simply water until the crystals expand
and sparkle. When the crystals disappear,
it’s time to water again!

Water Right Crystals™ chevron

Additional Features

Flower Bag
Wildflower Seed

All-natural wildflower seed tested to ensure purity and the highest germination rates.

Plant Food
Plant Food

Gives seedlings the food they need to develop and grow.

Natural & Organic Soil Improvers

Creates the ideal soil conditions for growth.

Appropriate Planting Zones

Wildflower Perennial Mix

Recommended for the area in zone 1

Perennial Mix Detail

Scroll Right

Genus/Species Common Name Type Height in. Germ Time Weeks to first Bloom
Coreopsis lanceolata Lance Leaved Coreopsis P 18-36 14-30 days Summer-Fall
Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower P 24-36 15-30 days Summer
Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Pinks P 12-24 7-14 days Summer
Gaillardia aristata Blanketflower P 28-36 14-24 days Summer-Fall
Linum perenne Blue Flax P 18-30 20-30 days Spring-Summer
Hellopsis heliantholdes Ox-Eye Sunflower P 36 to 60 21 to 28 days Summer to Fall
Chrysanthemum maximum Shasta Daisy P 18-30 15-30 days Summer
Verbena stricta Hoary Vervain P 24 to 36 10 to 25 days Summer
Aquilegia vulgaris Dwarf Columbine P 10-18 7-21 days Spring
Aquilegia caerulea McKana Giants Mix P 24-36 7-21 days Spring
Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan B 12-36 7-30 days Summer-Fall
Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat P 12-36 7-21 days Summer

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Plant Key:

Perennial Mix Seedlings

Lance Leaved Coreopsis Seedling

Lance Leaved Coreopsis

Purple Coneflower Seedling

Purple Coneflower

Sweet William Pinks Seedling

Sweet William Pinks

Blanketflower Seedling


Blue Flax Seedling

Blue Flax

Ox-Eye Sunflower

Shasta Daisy

Hoary Vervain

Dwarf Columbine Seedling

Dwarf Columbine

McKana Giants Mix Seedling

McKana Giants Mix

Black-Eyed Susan

Mexican Hat Seedling

Mexican Hat

Perennial Mix Mature Flowers

Lance Leaved Coreopsis Mature

Lance Leaved Coreopsis

Purple Coneflower Mature

Purple Coneflower

Sweet William Pinks

Blanketflower Mature


Blue Flax Mature

Blue Flax

Ox-Eye Sunflower

Shasta Daisy Mature

Shasta Daisy

Hoary Vervain

Dwarf Columbine Mature

Dwarf Columbine

McKana Giants Mix Mature

McKana Giants Mix

Black-Eyed Susan

Mexican Hat Mature

Mexican Hat


200 Sq. Ft.

Available Sizes

2 lbs

Step 1


Rake Area

Plant in spring when daytime temperatures are consistently above 65°F and there is no risk of frost at night. Seeds can be planted up to 6-8 weeks before first frost date.

Rake area to remove dead grass and debris. Seeds grow best when they have direct contact with the soil.

Step 2


Apply Evenly

Uniformly apply wildflower mix so the area is mostly covered, but bare ground is still visible.

Step 3



Water daily or as needed to keep the soil surface and wildflower seed moist for the first 2 weeks. This is critical for your wildflower seed to germinate and thrive. When enough water has been applied, Earth Science’s patented Water Right Crystals™ will expand and sparkle. When the crystals disappear it’s time to water again.

  • Apply when there is no danger of frost and daytime air temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees.
  • Perennial Mix flower varieties perform best with 6 or more hours of sunshine on average per day.
  • Do not apply herbicides 3 weeks before or after planting.

Expert Advice

Turns out, if you do something for 20 years, you have some advice to share.